Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda Been A One Hit Wonder

I hate that I rarely remember my dreams. However, last night I had a rather vivid dream that I had written a song, and, if I do say so myself, it was quite good. It was a song about growing up.It had a catchy, walking piano part, a bit like in a Randy Newman song but slightly more complicated milf.The song's bridge was very sweet and melancholy-funny, and you couldn't help but sing along.But as soon as I opened my eyes, it slipped from my memory like smoke into wind. All I was able to hold onto was this lyric:
"When I was a young boyI had a young boy smile."I am very upset that I have forgotten the rest.

Adrian of Austin

Since today is Labor Day, and since I'm turning t-h-i-r-t-y in two days, I've been thinking about my job, which I'm growing to dislike. So, I've seriously been considering changing my career, going to culinary school...anything...for a change. Then, I saw an ad this morning informing me that Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ is now on DVD. Then, I thought of Jesus.Jesus of Nazareth, you may have read, was a carpenter. Building things out of wood wasn't really his claim to fame; it was just something he did, because his earthly father, Joseph, was a carpenter. Jesus grew up around a carpenter and just sort of naturally picked up the trade.My earthly father was a psychologist. By extension, I'm certain I'm clinically insane, which makes me adequately suited for my career in Marketing. I have an ingrained ability to put together a marketing plan, competitive analysis and the associated ad campaign. I don't particularly enjoy being a soulless marketer, but I do it because it's what I know how to do.I imagine Jesus might have felt the same way about his learned profession. "Carpentry is alright," he may have thought. "But I think I'd prefer to save the souls of all mankind."OK. I'm nothing like Jesus.But I do want to help people, and since I'm so close to turning t-h-i-r-t-y, I'm not getting any younger, so if I want to do something new, I better get a move on. That's why I contacted a recruiter a couple of weeks ago, exploring the idea of joining the Peace Corps. But here's the thing about Peace Corps: they send the help that countries actually want. For example, China seems keen on having a few folks come over and teach English. So, if I were an English teacher, I might get sent there.But..."We don't have a marketing or advertising need," said the recruiter when I called him to scope out the opportunity.Pity the country that would, actually.milf Things are in a very bad way when a government cries: "We need more marketers!"I certainly don't blame anyone for neglecting to request rabble-rousers when there are houses that need building, diseases that need fighting, and infrastructure that needs developing. But, uhm, I can't do anything else. I'm a monkey with a keyboard.So, the recruiter's suggestion to me: Learn carpentry.

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